Deviated septum surgery | Septoplasty | Rhinoplasty

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What is deviated septum surgery?

Deviated septum surgery, known as septoplasty, is a medical procedure that aims to correct a deviated nasal septum. The nasal septum is like a thin wall that separates our two nostrils. Sometimes, this wall can get pushed to one side, causing problems like stuffy noses, trouble breathing, headaches, and pain in our faces.

Deviated septum surgery

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During a septoplasty, your doctor cuts inside the nose to fix a problem with the wall in the middle of the nose. Then, your plastic surgeon, Dr. med. Simon Zimmermann, MD, gently lifts the inside of the nose and fixes any parts that are not in the right place. Septoplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing patients to go home on the same day. The deviated nasal septum surgery is conducted under local or general anaesthesia, depending on the complexity of the case.

Deviated nasal septum surgery recovery usually involves a few days of oedema and pain. During recuperation, the best deviated septum surgeon may prescribe pain- and infection-controlling drugs. In general, patients should avoid vigorous activity and follow postoperative care guidelines.

Septoplasty is a special treatment that helps people with a crooked nose feel better. It is very safe and works well for people who have really bad symptoms. If you have a stuffy nose all the time, it may be hard for you to breathe, and you might feel deviated septum facial pain. But there are ways to make you feel better for a long time. Before deciding on deviated septum surgery, explore the risks and advantages with a doctor.

Understanding deviated septum:

A deviated septum can manifest in various ways and influence both appearance and health. A deviated septum means that the inside of your nose is not straight. This can cause problems like a stuffy nose, nosebleeds, pain in your face, deviated septum and headaches. It can also make it hard to breathe, get deviated septum sleep quality, and even give you deviated septum bad breath and make you feel tired. It's crucial to recognise these symptoms and seek appropriate guidance.

Medical intervention:

Patients with severe symptoms need medical intervention. An ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) professional can assess the nasal septum deviation. Surgery may be advised to rectify the deviation and relieve discomfort.

Surgical correction:

Deviated septum septoplasty is a surgical procedure commonly performed to correct a deviated septum. During this procedure, the surgeon repositions the septum to its proper alignment to allow for improved airflow. While surgery is a more invasive option, it can provide long-term relief for individuals facing significant challenges.

Non-surgical approaches:

For those hesitant about surgery or facing milder symptoms, individuals can explore non-surgical rhinoplasty approaches. Nasal sprays for deviated septum, both over-the-counter and prescription, can help manage congestion and promote better deviated septum breathing. Lifestyle adjustments, such as using a humidifier to add moisture to the air, can also contribute to symptom relief.

Deviated septum home treatment and self-care:

Some home remedies might supplement medical procedures or benefit minor symptoms. Staying hydrated, nasal irrigation with saline solutions, and warm compresses for face discomfort may help. You should visit a doctor before deviated septum self-treatment.

The link between deviated septum and allergies

Allergies might worsen deviated septum symptoms. Effective allergy and septal deviation cure requires understanding their relationship. Deviated septum patients may enhance their quality of life by identifying and treating allergies.

How is a deviated septum surgery performed?

Deviated septum surgery is a special kind of surgery that helps people breathe better through their noses. The doctor makes cuts inside the nose to reach the septum, which is like a wall between the nostrils. They move the cartilage and bone in the right place and fix the skin inside the nose. This helps air flow well. The surgery is usually done without having to stay in the hospital, and the person is asleep during the surgery. After the surgery, the person needs to follow the doctor's instructions to reduce swelling and pain. Each person's need for surgery is determined by a knowledgeable doctor specializing in noses.

Deviated septum and snoring

Snoring may result from airflow blockage caused by a left-deviated septum or right-deviated septum. If deviated septum sleepiness is a major problem, lifestyle changes or nasal strips may help alleviate snoring caused by a deviated septum.

Can a deviated septum cause sleep apnoea?

Yes, a deviated septum can cause sleep-deviated septum apnoea by restricting airflow in the nasal passages. Surgical intervention may be recommended to address this obstruction and improve breathing during sleep, potentially reducing the impact of sleep apnoea symptoms.

Can a deviated septum return after surgery?

Yes, a deviated septum can return after surgery. Surgery may correct deviated nasal septum causes, but recurrence is possible. Although uncommon, a deviated septum may reappear if not adequately handled. Postoperative care, surgeon expertise, and individual healing processes affect surgical outcomes.

How do you know if you have a deviated septum?

You may suspect a deviated septum if you experience chronic nasal congestion, difficulty breathing through one nostril, or recurrent sinus infections. Additionally, consulting with an ENT specialist who can perform a thorough examination helps diagnose and determine deviated septum appearance.

Can you fix a deviated septum without surgery?

No, surgical septoplasty is the main treatment for a deviated septum. However, deviated septum correction without surgery may alleviate deviated septum nose bleeds, deviated septum dry mouth, deviated septum depression, and deviated septum nasal polyps. Medications, nasal irrigation, and treating related diseases may help. Surgeons perform rhinoplasty surgery to permanently the deviated septum repair and enhance nasal function.

What can cause a deviated septum?

A deviated septum is usually caused by genetics, trauma, or foetal development. A deviated septum may arise from nose injuries from accidents or contact sports.

Can a deviated septum cause headaches?

Yes, a deviated septum can cause headaches. Deviated septum may restrict nasal airflow, causing sinus congestion and headaches, especially if sinus pressure rises.

Can a deviated septum cause nose bleeds?

Yes, a deviated septum can cause nose bleeds. Nose bleeds can occur when the nasal septum is not properly aligned. This can happen when the climate is dry or when it's cold outside.

Can a deviated septum cause sinus infections?

Yes, a deviated septum can cause sinus infections. Deviated septum blocks nasal airflow, allowing germs to flourish and cause sinusitis.

Can a deviated septum get worse?

Yes, the mild deviated septum can get worse over time. Increasing age, trauma, or environmental factors may increase septal misalignment, affecting nasal airflow and aggravating symptoms. Healthcare professionals should check deviated septum severity regularly.

Is fixing a deviated septum worth it?

Surgery to fix a deviated septum is worth it for persistent congestion, trouble breathing, or repeated sinus infections. Those with recurrent deviated septum problems might consider the deviated septum cure to improve nasal function and quality of life.

How do you fix a deviated septum?

Surgeons fix a deviated septum through a surgical procedure called septoplasty. During septoplasty, the surgeon reaches the deviated septum, moves it to improve nasal airflow, and changes or removes any extra cartilage or bone. This can help with problems like a stuffy nose, trouble breathing, and other related symptoms.